Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Power of Reflection

Wow it's been 13 years???!!!   Yep, that is how long it has been since I migrated to these United States of America.   And believe it or not, I did not realize this until much late in the day, almost at the day's end to be precise.  My night was thus filled with many emotions, joys and anxieties to say the least.  Overall though, I sighed and gave thanks and slept the night away in absolute gratitude as I looked back over my shoulder. 

Lao Tzu, the Chinese Philosopher was wrote when he remarked that a journey of a thousands miles start with a single step.  Embracing this thought soothed me to sleep while I sought to categorically remember my journey in its entirety.  February 11th, did finally go down to me as one of the most pivot days in my life as it has been over the years, but this time it was more profound than ever before.  Why it took me by surprise is beyond me because since the move, this date has had almost the same significance as the day I graduated from college.  Significant because coming to America was something that hatched over a period of 3 months if not less, and then I found myself in America.  In retrospect, I am in awe of what the LORD has done, truly.  And as with most pivot moments in my life, today I deliberately took some time to seriously take inventory and some analysis of ‘the state of the union’…I being the union in this case. 
Frankly, it did not take me long before bursting in thanksgiving and praise worship to the only true, real and always there friend that I have had since 2003, the Holy Spirit is His name.  It must have taken me awhile before I composed myself, and all I could say... am forever grateful for every blessing, opportunity, mentors, friends, laughter, grace, joy, adventure, promotions, lay off, mistake, valley, mountain, detour, regret, challenge, enemies, struggle, all the good, the bad and the in between.  It was as if I was reborn into newness, where instead of thinking oh my goodness, I cannot believe its been 13 years.  But rather, I found myself overwhelmed with gratitude, joy, and a sense of destiny seem to beckon me to keep matching on, forgetting what is now behind me, and looking up to my future where my destiny calls.  And like the embedded song prods, lay hold of the what is ahead, "...let go of every mistakes throwing off the chains of restraints."

I think it helps to be vulnerable, thus I admit my dream lists looked very different from the actual list I have today.  (If you're in business, accounting or in finance know and understand that the forecast budget does not always match the actual budget).  Nevertheless, it was through much prayer (perhaps in quest for a ‘crystal ball moments’, I don’t know) that I prayerfully discerned that the discrepancy could be explained in a decision I made 11 years ago.  A decision that I would urge each one of us to consider carefully if we have not because it will determine not only how we live the life here and now, but life after this age too.  For me however, I actually didn’t grasp the weight of the decision at the time as it resulted from frustrations once I realized I could not discount the truth as it unveiled before my heart, mind and soul on that Sunday afternoon in 2003.  Needless to say, I have never been the same since—I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ when I realized I was a sinner who needed saving.  My journey has been but joyful but like all roads rocky at times but overall glorious!

In short, the following words seem to grab my heart as I carefully meditated on what the Master was sharing with his disciples or anyone who may consider following Him today.  “Do you NOW BELIVE?”  Jesus replied (in question)  Indeed, the hour is coming yes, has now come that you will be scattered each to his own, and will leave me alone, but I am not alone because the Father is with me." John 16:31-33 NKJ.  My interpretation; once one believes, they become constrained by the power to which they have surrendered their heart, soul and mind to, and their resolve to that belief is then on to either run or stand firm when that belief is tested or being verified, and it is here that the rubber meets the road.  Some of us often seek to run away or devise the easiest way out of trials or tests by turning back to what we know, or going into hibernation when things seems unimaginable rather than doing what Christ urges us to do.  He did it Himself, He knew the Father was with Him no matter what, and therefore could undergo the pain of the cross, and overcome.  This is the solution He thus offers you and I when faced with the weighty of this world or simply put when tribulations strike, and our belief in HIM become questionable either by ourselves, and those around us, be it circumstances or those who don't believe.  My resolve is to stand in Him and His grace alone.

In conclusion, as you and I navigate through life today, and perhaps ponder where we have been in our life's journey over the years. Lets allow the Holy Spirit to help us find strength and grace in Him, He will, it is a promise He made!!  And in Him we will overcome, and be crowned even as He was.  33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NKJ.  So, just like in any race or (in the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia today), the crown only goes to those who truthfully endure the race or test, and it is these who get to seat with Christ in high places even while they be here on earth.  I wish I had the time to tell you how God has shown been favorable and faithful to me (next time perhaps!)  

As an after thought, this song just encourages me to set my eyes on what is ahead... Christ in Him who I have my destiny!  You may have not migrated to the USA, but I would love to learn a thing or two about your life's journey, what is it like?